Knowing when to file an auto insurance claim is important because there are instances when doing so is necessary and will help you, while there are also those when the costs of doing so might outweigh the benefits. If you want to be best prepared for situations in which you might consider file a claim, then knowing the difference between these instances is essential. Get-A-Quote is here to not only offer the cheapest car insurance quotes, but offer education for what happens after. Insurance pros think on howto generate insurance leads. Shouldn’t you be asking how to shop around?
When to File an Auto Insurance Claim
We will start with scenarios during which filing an auto insurance claim is necessary, or in your best interest.
The first scenario during which you should file an insurance claim is if anyone is injured during a collision. If someone, whether a passenger, driver, or pedestrian is injured during a collision, it is absolutely essential you file a claim with your insurance provider, and do so quickly. Not doing so leaves you open to litigation, as well as paying potentially costly medical bills, and if you wait to file a claim until after someone sues you, your claim might even be denied, leaving you to pay the costs of litigation yourself.
Another scenario during which you should file a claim, is when it is unclear who is at fault in a collision. If there is a hard time determining fault, then you will want the support of your insurance provider, who will represent you when discussing responsibility and payouts with the other person’s insurance provider.
The last scenario during which you should file an auto insurance claim, is when your vehicle is deemed a significant or total loss. When the damage to your vehicle exceeds what you are able to reasonably pay, or the value of repairing your car, then you will want to file a claim in order to have your insurance cover the damages to your vehicle as well as payout for it. Not filing a claim in this situation can cost you a great deal of money.
When Not to File an Auto Insurance Claim
We covered when you should file an auto insurance claim, but how about situations when it’s best not to do so? We are going to cover some of those, too.
The first scenario during which you should not file a claim, is when you damage only your own car, and it is not a significant or total loss. In situations like this, when the only damage is to your own vehicle, and you are responsible for the collision, the costs of rising insurance outweigh the benefits of having your vehicle’s damage paid for; you could pay thousands more in the next several years in a situation like this. It’s best to not do it.
Another scenario you should avoid filing a claim in is when there is minimal damage to the other person’s vehicle or property. In a situation like this, paying for damages yourself might be more cost effective than filing a claim and having your insurance do so, because, again, this might increase your rates to a point that offsets the costs of you having to pay for these damages.
If You Need Help Finding Insurance
If you don’t have insurance, and were just curious about situations in which it is useful, it’s okay. But we can help. We can connect you with the right professionals who are considering how to generate insurance leads. Get-A-Quote helps people find the cheapest car insurance quotes available, easily. With Get-A-Quote you will have no trouble finding a quote for the insurance you need. So if you’re looking for insurance, and want to easily find a quote, give us a try!
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